People tend to pay more attention to their health and are aware of its value. The costs and availability of medical services are pressing reasons to search for additional opportunities to safeguard not only in unforeseen cases of illness, but also to have systematic medical care.

Currently health insurance is available to:

– companies for their employees;
– individuals.

The positive thing is that when you make premium payments for health insurance, tax legislation allows you to get tax relief. The employer often uses health insurance as part of an employee incentives programme.

The range of services covered by health insurance programmes is wide:


  • Patient’s contribution;
  • Consultations, home visits of paid family doctors and specialist doctors;
  • Wide range of diagnostic and laboratory tests;
  • Medical manipulations;
  • Physical therapy procedures, therapeutic massages;
  • Vaccination;
  • Medical examinations and statements;
  • Care during pregnancy;
  • Emergency medical assistance―state and paid;
  • Paid hospital services (including costs of paid surgeries), etc.


  • Payment for medicines;
  • Payment for optical products and articles;
  • Dental and dental hygiene services;
  • Payment for sports activities.

The customer has the option to choose the optimal solution as needed and based on available resources.


Natural personLegal person